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Bai Ling

Bai Ling Nude

Hall of Fame Nudity!

Keywords: Hall of Fame Nudity!, Asian, Black Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Nude Roles: 18

Birthplace: Chengdu, CN

Date of Birth: 10/10/66

54 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Bai Ling Scenes

The Crow (1994) Nude, butt 00:23:00 See her beautiful buns as she washes up in the shower. Sexy! (9 secs)
The Crow (1994) Sexy, underwear
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Bai Ling started life in The People's Republic of China, but there's not much chance of a skinful career in commie cinema. Ling tried. At fourteen, she enlisted in the Chinese People's Liberation Army and spent a few years performing for the lucky troops stationed in Tibet. But her showy work in Beijing theater eventually led to her involvement in the famous pro-democracy protests in Tianamen Square in 1989. That led to high-tailing her high tail out of Red China for Hollywood. Ling's bares butt in her first major film role, The Crow (1994). She has since gone on to movies such as Wild Wild West (1999) and The Breed (2001), in which she exposed that lovely tush once more. It's been a near non-stop fleshstravaganza since, with Bai baring multiple B's not only onscreen—mo(i)st spectacularly in Edmond (2005)—but on the red carpet too, thanks to her penchant for flimsy fashions and her apparent distaste for undergarments. Bai's superhumanly long, thick, round, succulent nipples simply must be seen to be believed. Fortunately, she provides ample opportunity to do just that on a regular basis. And lest you think Bai had disappeared, she came back with a vengeance in 2010, baring her breasts in Circle of Pain (2010) and then baring all three b's in the Joe Pesci/Helen Mirren flick Love Ranch (2010) before giving us her best-yet erotic nude scenes in The Key (2014)! She hasn't stopped her sexiness since. She had lesbian scenes in Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance and went down to her skivvies in Boned. Loving naked Bai Ling ain't a fling. She's the real thing!


Nude, breasts, bush, butt, sexy 00:40:22 Bai Ling goes fully nude after breaking into a guy's hotel room to perform a sexual ritual on him! Cut this scene with a bunch of satanic sex kittens doing the same thing while drinking blood! (1 min 46 secs)

Better Criminal (2016) - as Miss Jasmine Feng

Boned (2015) - as The Mistress

The Key (2014) - as Ida

Nude, breasts, butt, bush 01:08:21 In the first, and only, nude scene not shot like the editor was in the midst of a grand epileptic seizure, we get more looks at all three of Bai's Bs! (2 mins 38 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:33:42 Hey, it's another frantic, epilepsy-inducing sex scene with full nudity from Bai! (1 min 39 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt 01:04:51 Now we're ripping off Bullet Time from The Matrix for another sex scene featuring Bai's boobs and butt! (23 secs)
Nude, breasts, bush 00:15:58 Kate and a bunch of other babes are topless in the pool and we get a quick flash edited in of a full frontal Bai Ling! (22 secs)

Circle of Pain (2010) - as Victoria Rualan

Nude, thong, breasts 00:09:58 To prep for a lez-tinged massage, Bai drops her robe, briefly exposing left boob and G-stringage. (34 secs)
Nude, thong, breasts 00:52:26 The sensual Bai looks skinsational in bra and undies, and even better when her left breast pops out while she screws her dude. (55 secs)

The Confidant (2010) - as Black

Knockdown (2010) - as Nok

Nude, breasts 00:59:35 Doorknob-sized wondernipples from Bai as she screws a dude in bed. (17 secs)

The Lazarus Papers (2010) - as Kio

Locked Down (2010) - as Guard Flores

Nude, breasts, butt 01:10:08 Awesome wonder-nips and cute tiny tush as Bai bounces on her dude's dong in bed. (43 secs)

Love Ranch (2010) - as Samantha

Nude, breasts, bush, butt 00:05:20 Helen and her hubby bust in to save Bai, who's getting roughed up by a john. Check out Ling's things--all three B's--when she struggles against the guy. (36 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:15:07 Bai Ling wears her sexy bra and panties when she dances outside with her man who takes her top off. Bai's breasts are the best! (44 secs)
Nude (Bai Ling) , breasts, thong, sexy, underwear 00:01:42 Elise Neal and Bai Ling ring in the new year in their underwear and barely anything covering their breasts. (1 min 26 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:15:56 Always reliable skinstress Bai gets kicked out of a house, and when she rolls over, left nip slip! (11 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:18:50 Another slip of sweet left nip when she runs after Statham in a loose shirt with no bra. (7 secs)

A Beautiful Life (2008) - as Esther

Nude (Gloria Alexandra) , bikini, breasts 00:03:53 Bai dons a wig and bikini to swing around the pole while Gloria shows her glorious pair onstage at the strip club. (16 secs)
Nude (Gloria Alexandra) , underwear, breasts 00:29:31 Bai keeps her lacy undies and bra on while Gloria gives us a full view of her gazongas at the club. (11 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:29:49 Ling's right thing is visible out of her bra as she struts off the club stage. Gloria, as usual, has her full pair awesomely out. (7 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:44:56 Outstanding look at Bai's boobsters dancing in slow-mo on the pole. Work it! (19 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:11:20 The queen of the cinematic nip slip strikes again! Bai busts out some tit-tip while cuddling with a guy in bed. (11 secs)
Nude, sexy, breasts 00:25:55 Bai sings a little ditty onstage wearing a teeny bikini and slips a little nippage to top it all off. (1 min 34 secs)

Dim Sum Funeral (2008) - as DeeDee

Toxic (2008) - as Lena

The Gene Generation (2007) - as Michelle

Nude, breasts, butt 00:41:00 A bloody Bai hits the shower for a steamy rinse-down, showing us nice but shadowy booty and those amazing, rocket-nipped tits! (17 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:58:00 More thumb-sized nippage as the bewitching Bai rides a lucky guy. (17 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:09:00 Brief glance at Bai's right bo-bo in the shower. (8 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:13:00 Bai argues with her guy. And she does it wearing a mesh shirt that lets her famously ginormous nips poke right through! Choice. (46 secs)

Shanghai Baby (2007) - as Coco

Nude, breasts, bush 00:29:50 More Shanghai boobies and a quick flash of Bai's bush when she and her dude screw. (49 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:46:47 Bai's bobblers look nice with some bubbles in the bath. (2 mins 14 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt 01:12:29 Bai gets a call from her beau and hops out of the tub, the foam not covering her doorknob nips and cute butt. (39 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt 01:14:55 Bai wakes up in the morning with a headache, but she'll give you a groinache with her naked butt and boobs. (51 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:03:42 Dig into Bai's big left nip when she's pawed by a guy while his daughter peeps in. (19 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:18:37 Bai's erect Chinese firecrackers look great when she gets frigged by her lez lover in bed. (29 secs)

Southland Tales (2006) - as Serpentine

Nude, breasts 01:45:00 Bai is smokin', both literally and figuratively, when she slips some right nip while dancing onstage and enjoying a cig. (29 secs)

Edmond (2005) - as Peep Show Girl

Nude, breasts, thong 00:18:00 Bai's in an itty bitty bikini, then her ubiquitous boobs pop out in the peep show. (1 min 40 secs)

She Hate Me (2004) - as Oni

Nude, breasts 00:53:00 Just a hint of Ling's left thing as she combines eating and boffing in bed with Anthony Mackie. (33 secs)

Three... Extremes (2004) - as Mei

Nude, breasts 01:13:00 Beautiful Bai's right nip bounds right out of her bra for a nip slip of the highest caliber. Excellent! (53 secs)

Paris (2003) - as Linda / Shen Li

Nude, breasts 00:58:00 Get an eyeful of Ling's things! She and some fortunate fella go at it all hot and heavy-like. She shows most of her right knocker, then a quick flash of the left for good measure. (1 min 6 secs)

Point of Origin (2002) - as Wanda Orr

Nude, breasts 01:01:00 Keep an eye peeled for a hint of Bai's right Point of Origin as she lies in bed with Ray Liotta's mustache. (17 secs)

The Breed (2001) - as Lucy Westenra

Nude, butt 00:43:00 Awe-inspiring ass as Ling loses her gown and struts up a long staircase. (8 secs)

Wild Wild West (1999) - as Miss East

Somewhere in the City (1998) - as Lu Lu

Red Corner (1997) - as Shen Yuelin

Dead Weekend (1995) - as Amelia A

The Crow (1994) - as Myca

Nude, butt 00:23:00 See her beautiful buns as she washes up in the shower. Sexy! (9 secs)

TV Shows

But Can They Sing? (2005) - as Herself

Entourage (2004-2011) - as Lee Lei

Lost (2004-2010) - as Achara

The Chris Isaak Show (2001-2004) - as Herself

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