First came Bad Girls about four prostitutes who join together to conquer the old west. Then Bad Girls 2 ... which is essentially Bad Girls I but with a different cast. But then came Bad Girls 3 ... which is both Bad Girls I and II but in different packaging. (And we mean that literally. The “physical” art on the box was the only thing different.)
Finally came Bad Girls IV, considered by some to be the “sex comedy of 1985!” And like a box o’ wine (also from 1985) this story is tart -- or, at least filled with tarts. We open on three young lassies who are rocketing out of Kansas to find fame and fortune. It’s only when the three meet a modern-day Casanova on his quest to bed as many honeys as possible, and set a world record that will him win $150,000 (that's $324,737.45 by today's standard -- no, really, look it up. Search "inflation calculator") by doing so, does our story really come to a head!