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That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes

That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes (2021)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Horror
  • Directed by: Onur Tukel
  • Theatrical Release: 09/09/2021
  • Home Release: 11/09/2021
  • Country: France
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That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes (2021) is a bold experimental film mixing color cinematography with black and white, from actor turned writer and director Onur Tukel, the only man to be kicked off the podcast "Doug Loves Movies" twice. Franck Raharinosy stars as Leonard, a chef who is struggling with one crisis after another and it's bleeding over into his work to the point where his boss Leo (Max Casella) tells him that his lemon chicken tastes "like prostate cancer." Leonard is newly single after his girlfriend Marie (Nora Arnezeder) up and left him—in fairness, he cheated on her—fleeing to Berlin with only one directive, he can stay in their apartment until she returns, by which time he has to be out. Leonard begins being plagued by strange visions and hallucinations, like a group of zombie like folks with blank eyeballs who point and laugh at him everywhere he goes and a female clown who mocks the size of his genitalia. Is this all connected to a strange monotonous droning sound that Leonard began hearing several weeks ago and is only intensifying? No one can say for sure, but one thing is certain: none of this is going to end well for Leonard if he keeps pretending that nothing is wrong. While we'd love to tell you that this flick is jam packed with nudity, that's sadly not the case. Nora Arnezeder can be seen in her bra in one flashback sequence, as can Zania Gohou as the one night stand who leads Leonard to get dumped, but That Cold Dead Look In Your Eyes is bound to leave you with a cold dead member in your pants!