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Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf (2006)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Horror
  • Directed by: Lance Dreesen
  • Rated: R
  • Home Release: 06/05/2007
  • Theatrical Release: 10/25/2006
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Things get hairy when Trevor Duke takes his horny college crew to his sourball stepdad's cabin to party, because in those woods lurks a Big Bad Wolf (2006) . . . and the hirsute brute has a taste for matriculates! The sadistic trickster slaughters Trevor's whole party save one: Kimberly J. Brown, Trev's tres-punk buddy (and potential pork buddy), who is too brash and tough to let a little thing like a lusty lycanthrope get her down in the mouth or down in the cold, cold ground. Together, the young whippersnappers investigate the heinous hairball that killed their clique, suspecting Trev's stepdad, Richard Tyson, to be the cuspidous culprit. But Dick the Huge Dick is on to their scent, and there's a hairy showdown in the works!