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How Long Before This Image Of Charisma Carpenter Is in Every Gym Window?

Most of us look as if we were hit repeatedly with a wet towel and want nothing more than a shower after a long, hard workout at the gym. And yet, Charisma Carpenter looks absolutely stunning after a workout.

Now, we all know that Charisma Carpenter looks stunning just about every single moment of every single day, but you would think there would be one or two brief moments when she didn’t look stunning. I am starting to believe that Charisma Carpenter is sexy all of the time. Period. End of story. Then again, maybe it’s all these long, hard workouts that keep her so damn sexy. Honestly, I’m a little surprised that gyms all over the world don’t use pictures of a worn out Charisma Carpenter to bring in new members. Of course, now that I've said that, I’m sure we’ll be seeing Charisma Carpenter in tight workout clothes, arms resting on a bench, with the slogan “Charisma Carpenter looks sexy, join our gym!” on posters everywhere.

The reward for going to the gym and giving it your all is supposed to be when it’s all over you look great, but not right when you’ve just finished the workout. Seriously, Charisma Carpenter, you are putting all of us to shame . . . but we are OK with it.