According to legend, today is the day when twin brothers Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome in 743 BC. The brothers, suckled by a she-wolf and raised by a shepherd after their uncle left them to die as infants, eventually grew up and founded the city on the Palatine, the first of the seven hills of Rome. From its birth until the Visigoth king Alaric I sacked the city in AD 410, Rome gave us all sorts of things to appreciate. There were spectacular orgies that are still the stuff of legend, sexually depraved emperors like Tiberius, Caligula, and Nero, and state-sanctioned temple prostitution. Granted, almost everything I know about Roman history comes from watching movies like Caligula (1979), but who knows more about the history of Italy than Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione, an actual Italian? I submit that no one does.