Josie Canseco's Breasts Are Major League Awesome

Jose Canseco has a .266 lifetime batting average, stole over 200 bases, had more than 1400 RBIs, and 462 homeruns throughout his career. Yet the greatest thing he ever did was give the world Josie Canseco. That is the best homerun he ever connected on.

All baseball puns aside Josie Canseco is a pure hottie and she probably got her hotness without any hotness enhancing drugs. And yes, I understand one could make the argument that having a fantastic photographer, great lighting person, awesome make-up, and of course the wonders of technology anyone could look amazing, but can anyone truly look like Josie Canseco topless? The answer to that question is 100% negative. Only Josie Canseco can pull off the Josie Canseco topless look. It’s all Josie Canseco, no fillers, no enhancers, it’s a great pair of breasts.

Let’s also take a moment to acknowledge that Josie Canseco has the word “patience” tattooed beside one of her wonderful breasts. And while some might not want to be patient when it comes to seeing Josie Canseco’s breasts, I believe this is a time when patience really is a virtue... right beside the boob of Josie Canseco... and her boobs are pretty virtuous.