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Does This Mean Emma Watson Might Go Topless?

I won’t pretend for one minute to understand the concept behind this Emma WatsonVanity Fair photo shoot. Honestly, it leaves me more than a little confused, but there is one thing I was able to understand very loud and very clear; Emma Watson has some awesome boobs.

I’ll give you that this isn’t a full on, full frontal, no top, full boob exposure Emma Watson pic, but damn it I think it’s the closest we’ve come to seeing Emma Watson's breasts. She is pretty much topless, no matter how you slice it and the only thing between us and Emma Watson’s awesome breasts is a sweater or blanket or some random piece of fabric found on the side the road. This single image has me hoping and wishing and praying and offering a sacrifice to any god or goddess that will listen that this means Emma Watson will go topless. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next year, but some day in the future we will finally get to see Emma Watson’s awesome boobs.

And on that historic day, we can look back to this single picture in this slightly odd photo spread and smile. For on this day, we knew it would happen, we knew it would come, and we knew it would be awesome.