Rene Zellweger Finally Ponies up Some Flesh in Appaloosa

Squinty-eyed sometimes Brit Rene Zellweger has long been one of the skingiest actresses in Hollywood, with even lingerie-clad scenes a rarity in her career. So Mr. Skin was shocked to hear that Zellweger flashes a slice of Ass-aloosa in the upcoming Ed Harris-directed western Appaloosa, which opens on October 3rd.

Our loyal Skin Skout filed this report:

(1:09) From a distance we see Rene Zellweger's butt as she cavorts in a stream with another guy. (Note: We don't see her face in this scene.)

The absence of Rene's kisser in the frame with her pooper doesn't bode well, as that booty likely belongs to a body double. But considering that Rene hasn't even offered up fake nudity before, this is quite a feat. And it's a slippery slope from fake fanny to full frontal. Let's hope it's also a steep, quickly moving slope.