
Want Free Access to Sierra Feldner-Shaw Pics & Clips?

Sierra Feldner-Shaw

Sierra Feldner-Shaw Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US

Top Sierra Feldner-Shaw Scenes

Down and Out with the Dolls (2001) Nude, breasts 01:01:00 Even better look at her stiff-nipped knocklets as her man fumbles with the rubber. (18 secs)
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Sierra Feldner-Shaw is a beaut. A slender sexy actress with nipples bigger than her breasts. How do we know? Well, we saw them in her one screen credit, the musical comedy Down and Out with the Dolls (2001). It’s a raunch tale of the rise and fall of a spunky all-girl rock band from Portland, Oregon, that will have you spunking in your pants, so we recommend you watch pants-less. It’s only fair, Sierra spends much of the movie that way, too. She poses in the aforementioned nipples, wearing only a cowboy hat, and later a skimpy bikini as she makes out with another woman. We know, it’s only rock and roll, but we like it.