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Denise Morgan

Denise Morgan Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Red Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts

Nude Roles: 1

Top Denise Morgan Scenes


Avid listeners of the Howard Stern Show may remember Denise Morgan from a 1990 edition of his famed Lesbian Dating Game, back in his K-Rock days. If not, mayhap you caught sight of Denise on a 1993 episode of the award-winning drama Homicide: Life on the Streets. We're coming down to the wire now, because Denise has only one further credit, but it's the one from which Mr. Skin knows her best! Denise made her big screen debut as a topless Go-Go Dancer in the indie franchise starter Henry Fool (1997). There's nothing we love more than a big screen debut and nude debut happening at the exact same time!